
Published on:

11th Sep 2024

What to do when things look Hopeless in the Emergency Room

Is your loved one in the Emergency Room? Are all test and labs coming back negative? Have the Doctors told you that "we will just have to wait" or that there is no hope?

Are you losing hope? Do you feel there is nothing you can do?

In this podcast your brother in Christ, Anthony encourages you that there is hope and that there is something you can do.

He gives you 7 steps or recommendations for you to follow, then He explains why, giving scripture references as Biblical Evidence.

This is Anthonys first Podcast Episode, so please be patient if things need to be edited. I assure you all advice is given with a sincere heart.

Praying for you

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About the Podcast

Biblical Advice for the Suffering Heart
Life can be compared to a voyage, Christopher Columbus set sail with his fleet on one of his many voyages from the ports of Spain.
On the way to his destination the fleet encountered heavy rain, dark electrically filled skies, hurricane force winds, and the raging wrath of the angry seas, all in the hopes of finding riches and glory when they arrived at their destination in the New World.
So is the life of each and every one of us. Like Christoper Columbus each one of our lives has a destination, and as every second, of every minute, of every hour go by, we are slowly getting closer to it.
Many of an experienced sailor has set sail from their homeland for far away majestic ports, in the search of fame, fortune and dreams of splendor, only to lose hope in the storm and become a casualty of the unpredictable sea.
Life is like that, unpredictable. One day everything is going well, and the next you're drowning in a sea of problems.
From the moment of our conception God puts wind in our sails and we set sail in life, from then on, we are faced with turbulent times from the world, the flesh and the Devil, that do their best to stir the waters beneath us.
Like waves pounding on the side of a ship, we face stress on every side, we have our problems at work, we have problems at home, problems with our children, our spouses, we have bills and debts to pay, the rent or mortgage is due, unemployment is alarming, gasoline is skyrocketing, not to mention health problems and the potential of a bad diagnosis from the Doctor informing us we may have a potential life threatening disease.
The Disciples of Jesus were in fear of their own lives when they found themselves in a raging storm on the Sea of Galilee. That evening when they set out the sky was clear, but as the evening went on the sky grew darker and they found themselves in the middle of a storm. As they sailed further out to sea the Disciples became frantic! The boat was beginning to sink. They were all going to die, and they knew it.
Then after everything else they could have earthly done in their own strength to save themselves failed they looked to Jesus who was sleeping in the back of the boat.
They awoke Him and said to Him, "Teacher. do you not care that we are perishing? "Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea," Peace be still" and the wind ceased and there was a great calm." Matt 8:23-27
Are you overwhelmed by the problems of this life?, are you overwhelmed in grief and sorrow? My friend God saying to you at this very moment "Peace be Still"
I am very thankful that the Lord has drawn you to this podcast, for some I know it's just out of curiosity, while others are looking for Biblical encouragement, truth, and answers to the difficult problems that you are experiencing.
My name is Anthony, I am a Biblical Counselor, who identifies with what you're going through, but first and foremost I am your brother in Christ, and I take very seriously the endeavor the Lord has put on my heart to help you and lead you to His grace, mercy and love. It is my hope to answer the questions you may have and give you Biblical Insight that you may have never learned before.
There will be no "Hocus Pocus" or empty promises.
As Barnabus was a faithful companion and encourager to the Apostle Paul, it is my hope to be a companion and encourager to you. I promise we will get through your problem together, I offer you the chance to email, contact me by telephone, or set up a online video call.
Having said that, I have great and exciting news for you, God loves you and is concerned for you, even though at this time he seems a million miles away. I promise He is nearer than you think.

About your host

Profile picture for Anthony Blake

Anthony Blake

I have an edge on many Pastors and Counselors today because God has allowed me to experience and suffer what a lot of people I counsel are going through. I grew up in a broken Home with an abusive father, I know what an impact an abusive childhood has on the human heart. I have also been divorced, my ex-wife used me as a punching bag and was later found out to be a convicted criminal, I have a son who has been brainwashed so bad that he wants nothing to do with me. I know the pain a parent feels in this situation. I remarried years later, and my wife was killed in a car accident by a convicted child molester who was out of prison on probation, my baby boy fighting for his life died a month later. I know the pain of losing a spouse and losing a child and the heartbreak and tears that go along with it. I have had disputes in the church with arrogant church leaders, I have also been lied to by the church. I have lived paycheck to paycheck most of my life I know the struggles that couples have making ends meet.
I remarried again, and we started a family all while financially struggling, having to drive over 50 miles to the charity hospital because we did not have insurance only to be told by the doctor that my child was going to be born with Down Syndrome.
Believe me that pain was deep!
I was told by doctors to abort my child, I refused, telling them that God does not make mistakes, we should not murder Gods creation because they are mentally different. They are still valued and loved by God. I know the power of Prayer, I prayed in tears for the whole 9 months, I know the power of miracles by the grace of God he was born without Down Syndrome, but I know the burden of pain that parents feel in this situation, believe me its heavy.
I have a son who has fallen into the Homosexual lifestyle despite my pleas.
Yet through it all God has sustained me, and my friend he will also sustain you.